Highfield E-Learning Equality and Diversity

Highfield E-Learning Equality and Diversity Course

For an organisation to thrive, it must strive to create an environment with equality of opportunity for all, and that celebrates the differences that make us unique.

Equality and diversity concerns avoiding discrimination and ensuring that there is equal opportunity for all stakeholders, which in turn leads to a positive company culture and better staff engagement levels.

Who is this course aimed at?

Highfield E-learning’s short course in Equality & Diversity is ideal for all levels of employee within a business and as part of the induction process for new employees.

What topics will it cover?

  • What is meant by the term Equality and Diversity?
  • Consequences of Inequality
  • Human Rights
  • The Equality Act
  • Inclusive and exclusive Models of Society
  • Promoting Inclusion
  • Creating Fairer Workplaces

How long will the course take?

The course will take 20 to 40 minutes.

We will provide you with the link you need to take the course upon booking and payment.

Will I receive a certificate?

Learners will receive a Highfield E-Learning completion certificate, which is downloadable upon successfully finishing the course.

What books will I need?

No books are required.

How much will it cost?

ÂŁ10+VAT per candidate.

How do I book this course?

Contact us directly if you’re interested in this course. We can then process your booking, take your payment and provide you with the link to the online course.