Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeship

Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeship

The customer service practitioner apprenticeship is for apprentices who wish to gain the skills, knowledge and behavioural competencies required to work in a Customer Service Practitioner role.

This role requires apprentices to perform a range of service delivery functions that may be one-off or routine contacts, and include, dealing with orders, payments, offering advice guidance and support, meet-and-greet, sales, fixing problems, after care, service recovery or gaining insight through measuring customer satisfaction.

Apprentices may be the first point of contact and work in any sector or organisation type, their actions will influence the customer experience and the customer’s satisfaction with the organisation.

The Details

Duration: 12 months + 3 months End Point Assessment (EPA).

Cost: The apprenticeship is set at ÂŁ3500 with a ÂŁ175 + VAT employer contribution.

Employers employing an Apprentice aged 16-21 years old and employ less than 50 employees will receive full government funding and be exempt from paying the employer contribution.

Employers employing an Apprentice aged 16-18 years old will receive a ÂŁ1,000 government incentive.

On Programme Delivery

Functional Skills: Both maths and English are required at Level 1 or relevant GSCE results, but will attempt Level 2.

Knowledge and Understanding

  • Knowing your customers.
  • Understanding the organisation.
  • Meeting regulations and legislation.
  • Systems and resources.
  • Your role and responsibility.
  • Customer experience.
  • Product and service knowledge.

Assessment in the Workplace

Your designated Assessor/Trainer will visit you in the workplace to support the development of your on-programme portfolio and to complete your quarterly reviews.

Tracking Your Progress: Our electronic portfolio, OneFile will track your progress.

People Involved in Your Apprenticeship

Assessor/Trainer: A qualified and experienced assessor.

Group Quality Manager: Michelle Pointer.

Gateway: On completion of the on-programme learning, the employer, training provider and learner will confirm that the apprentice is ready for the End Point Assessment.

End Point Assessment (EPA)

  • Apprentice showcase worth 65%.
  • Practical observation worth 20%.
  • Professional discussion worth 15%.


The apprenticeship includes pass and distinction grades which are applied at the end of the End Point Assessment with the final grade based on the performance in the apprentice showcase, practical observation and professional discussion.

If you are interested in the Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeship, please call 01752 348980