Celebrating Ofsted Inspection Highlights

by | Jan 2, 2024 | News

In early November, we opened our doors to the Ofsted team for a comprehensive four-day evaluation, taking place from the 7th to the 10th. This thorough examination included interactions with nearly half of our dedicated staff, students, employers, and even parents/guardians of our 16-18 year-olds. The received feedback echoed overwhelmingly positive sentiments, underscoring the exceptional efforts and commitment demonstrated across our entire organisation.

The report states that apprentices enjoy their training. They highly value the occupational knowledge they gain as a result of tutors’ and assessors’ industry experience in the subjects they teach. The apprentices themselves showcase motivation and unwavering commitment to both their studies and careers. Notably, Ofsted acknowledged the meticulous planning of our tutors, aimed at swiftly bolstering apprentices’ confidence in their technical and practical skills.

Leaders are ambitious to provide high quality apprenticeship training that meets the needs of the employers they work with. They provide modern classrooms and workshop resources for apprentices.

Tutors and assessors are experts in their industries. They are well-qualified and highly experienced in the subjects they teach.

Almost all apprentices make rapid progress towards gaining the knowledge and skills they require for their final assessments and work.

Leaders are rightly proud that the large majority of apprentices successfully achieve their qualification. Leaders have diligently supported those apprentices studying longer apprenticeship programmes who were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to remain on their programmes and to succeed. Around four fifths of apprentices successfully complete their apprenticeship.

As a result of our collective performance, not just during the inspection days but consistently over the years since our last evaluation, and especially during the challenging times brought about by the pandemic, we have proudly retained our overall Grade 2 (Good) rating. This official recognition as “Good” since 2011, coupled with a success rate exceeding the national average by over 20%, significantly contributed to our success during the inspection.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to every member of our dedicated team, our learners and employers for their unwavering commitment and exceptional contributions. Together, we continue to uphold and elevate the standards of excellence at our institution.
