Learner Polices

Please see below the policies we have put together for your reference. Please do contact us if you need any further information.

Our learner policies cover harassment and bullying, safeguarding, learner appeals procedure and GDPR privacy notice.

Harassment and Bullying

Policy Statement

The Focus Training Group wishes to provide a stimulating and supportive training environment which will enable its learners to fulfil their personal potential and creativity. The company accepts that such an environment cannot be created or sustained if learners are subject to harassment, intimidation, aggression or coercion.

The company is fully committed to the principles of equal opportunities and regards personal harassment as a discriminatory and unacceptable form of behaviour.

Accordingly, the company will treat any incident of harassment as a serious matter which may lead to disciplinary action according to the terms of the disciplinary policy, up to and including dismissal or termination of training, being taken against the perpetrator.

All members of the company’s staff are responsible for ensuring that personal harassment of a learner does not occur.

Jamie Rail (Managing Director) will be available to offer, in confidence, advice, information and support as required.

Harassment of the learners outside the company premises or outside training hours may nevertheless fall within the remit of this policy and its procedures.

In addition to any penalty imposed by the company, those responsible for harassing others may be subject to criminal and/or civil proceedings. Nothing in this policy and its procedures will prevent learners from exercising their legal rights.

Policy Definition

Harassment is unwanted conduct which violates a person’s dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. It may be on the grounds of sex, marital status, race, disability, religion or beliefs, sexual orientation, age or gender reassignment. For the purposes of this policy this list should be considered non-exhaustive, and harassment or bullying on any grounds will not be tolerated by the company.


Policy Statement

The Focus Training Group aims to keep all of their learners safe within their workplace. Safeguarding can be an issue for all ages.

Safeguarding has a much broader focus than child protection. It is not only about recognising and responding to child abuse but about the responsibilities individuals and organisations have in relation to children’s welfare.

The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully.

In order to ensure we adhere to all safeguarding policies and procedures, we take all reasonable measures to ensure that the risks of harm to children and young people’s welfare are minimised. Where there are concerns about children and young people we take appropriate action to address these concerns

Useful Sources of Info:

Assessment Appeals Procedure

All learners have the right to challenge the outcomes of their assessment if they consider the assessment has not been carried out properly.

Learners might appeal on a variety of issues listed below:

  • Conduct of the assessment
  • Adequacy of the range, nature and comprehensiveness of the evidence when set against the national standards and evidence requirements
  • The opportunities offered in order to demonstrate competence of attainment access to assessment
  • Process of assessment
  • Access to internal quality verification
  • The handling of an appeal
  • Administrative issues e.g. failure to register/apply for certification

Learner Appeal

If a learner wishes to appeal it is to be lodged with the centre co-ordinator within 20 days of the learner being notified of the assessment decision. The centre co-ordinator will then attempt to find a solution with the learner, training consultant/tutor and internal quality verifier.

Failing this, the centre co-ordinator will:

  • Set a date for the appeal to be considered by the appeals panel
  • Notify the external quality verifier that an appeal has been lodged and gives detais of how it will be heard, including the composition of the appeals panel
  • The appeals panel will meet to consider the appeal within 30 working days of the centre co-ordinator receiving the appeal
  • Noone involved in the original assessment will be on the panel
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